Effects of Dietary Fat on Fertility of Dairy Cattle: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression – Dr. Ian Lean

May 5, 2016


Listen in as Dr. Ian Lean, from The University of Australia, reviews his most recent meta-analysis results on one area of dairy nutrition: feeding fats and the effect that it has on fertility. Reproduction is one of the most reviewed and important areas of dairy science, and while genetic effects are likely just 3% of the variance in the probability of mating, nutrition is a major factor.

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Dr. Ian Lean

Scibus & Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney

Dr. Ian Lean’s general interests are in improving the profitability of ruminant production. He is Managing Director of Scibus, a company that conducts research and consults to dairy and beef producers. Dr. Lean has been the keynote speaker at numerous international conferences in the USA, EU, South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, presenting on nutrition, reproduction, health, meta-analysis and study design. The company is recognized for its leadership and excellence in meta-analytic research.

Since 1990, Dr. Lean has been active in discussing the implications of increasing population on food availability and the roles of technology and activism in addressing these topics. He has a deep knowledge of factors influencing farm profit from a biological and economic perspective and has presented on these subjects both nationally and internationally.

See all sessions with Dr. Lean


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